Worship Bulletin - July 21, 2013


Summer has come, and Central Baptist is moving through a season known as “Ordinary Time.” Despite the unassuming name, it’s far from dull.  During this season the Church muses over some of the great themes of faith, and how they can impact the way we live our lives. Come and join us on this journey of discovery.


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Worship Order

Lord’s Day, July 21, 2013 10:30 AM Worship


Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace

Call to Worship - Psalm 15 - #586

*Hymn - “Seek Ye First” - #713

Opening Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

OT Reading - Amos 8:1-12 - #987



*Song of Thanksgiving - “Doxology” - #815

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

Gospel Reading - Luke 10:38-42 - #1115

*Hymn  -“Shine, Jesus, Shine” - #431

NT Reading - Colossians 1:15-28 - #1263

Sermon - "Martha, Martha" - Pastor Wesley Allen

*Hymn - “I Will Call upon the Lord” - #530



*If you are able, please stand


July Benevolence: City Team - Philadelphia Programs: Cityteam Chester offers several different programs that reach out to those severely in need. All of these programs incorporate a chance for our staff and volunteers to consistently walk along side someone and explain God's unconditional love for them in order to formulate an everlasting real change in their lives. These Programs include: Food Services, Homeless Shelter & Second Chance Program, Recovery Program, Family Services, Mother & Baby Care Program, Compass Academy, and Career Employment Services. http://www.cityteam.org/philadelphia/

Interfaith Hospitality Network - IHN will be held at Central on Friday, 2 August. All positions are filled.   Many thanks to our volunteers!

Riverview Bakesale - Riverview Estates is having a bake sale every Wednesday night, until sold out. Stop by, watch the Riverton Yacht Club boat races and enjoy delicious desserts! Proceeds from the bake sale are used to benefit the lives of the residents of Riverview Estates.