November 5, 2017 - Bulletin


Worship Order


Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace

Call to Worship

The eternal Father,

who loved us and set us free from our sins,

who loves us still with that love that will not let us go,

and who will love us forever,

calls us to worship him today as the only true lover of our souls.

The Lord stoops to receive the love of our poor hearts.

He calls us to remember the depth of his love for us in Christ.

God seeks our love!

*Hymn of praise - “Be Exalted, O God” - #32

Opening Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

OT Reading - Judges 14: 1-20 - p. 298

Offering - “The Lord is a Mighty God”

*Song of Thanksgiving - “Doxology” - #815

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

NT Reading - Judges 16: 23-31 - p. i

*Hymn of Preparation - “How Firm A Foundation” - #408

Message - “Samson” - Pastor Wes

*Hymn of Invitation - “The Solid Rock” - #526


Hymn - “Blest Be the Ties that Bind” - #426

*If you are able, please stand


November Benevolence – Bread of Life Food Pantry

The Bread of Life Food Pantry opened its doors in August 2009 to serve the communities of Cinnaminson, Palmyra and Riverton.  The pantry is located at Epworth Methodist Church in Palmyra.  Donations are accepted Wednesdays from 1PM-4PM and Thursdays from 7PM-9PM.  Food distribution is the third Saturday of every month from 10AM-1PM.

Save the Dates for Community Events:

  • Business Meeting Pot Luck and Operation
  • Christmas Child, Sunday, November 5
  • WERLEE - Thursday, December 28


Tonight - 7:oo PM - IBC

Tuesday - 7:30 PM - Choir Practice