May 20, 2018 - Bulletin


Worship Order


Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace

Call to Worship - Psalm 104: 24-34 - p.648

*Hymn of praise - “How Great Thou Art” - #147

Opening Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

OT Reading - Ezekiel 37: 1-14 - p. 930

Offering - “Hands of the Healer”

*Song of Thanksgiving - “Doxology” - #815

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

NT Reading - Romans 8: 22-27 - p. 1212

*Hymn of Preparation - “Spirit of the Living God” - #398

Gospel Reading - Acts 2: 1-21 - p. 1168

Message - “Painfully Hopeful” - Pastor Wes

*Hymn of Invitation - “Be Thou My Vision” - #562


*If you are able, please stand


May Benevolence – Blood: Water Mission

Blood:Water Mission is a community, motivated by the love of Christ, to create lasting change in Africa. We give our lives to serve local leaders and join them in the fight to end the HIV/AIDS and water crises.  Since our launch in 2004, Blood:Water has raised over $27 million through the creative efforts of tens of thousands of individuals seeking to make a difference. We believe that Africa holds the leadership, creativity, passion and resolve necessary to address the HIV/AIDS and water crises. That’s why we’ve spent the past ten years working alongside more than a dozen African organizations to bring clean water and HIV/AIDS support to 1 million people in 11 countries (taken from their web-site).

Interfaith Hospitality Network

Friday, June 1.  Cooks, servers, and overnighters needed.  See Amanda Boulton for details.


Tonight - 7:oo PM - IBC

Tuesday - 7:30 PM - Choir Practice